MasterPeace Retreats
What Happens at MasterPeace Haven does NOT Stay at MasterPeace Haven!

A heart-centered woman looking for a deeper connection with your higher self?

Searching for a way to find what you have locked up inside of you to release it?

Searching for a way to break through the mundane and into the reality of your magic?

Does this sound familiar?
I have news for you my sister, you are not alone. Many of us feel like we have lost our way, and I am here to bring you back to your true self.
I'm Steph Levine, and I will be your guide through this life-changing experience as we awaken your goddess within, re-spark your inner knowing, and create connection with your own inner knowing.
I attended Masterpeace Retreat which is something everyone should experience regularly! Steph is wise, insightful, gentle and honest. She guides and holds space so everyone in her presence finds exactly what they’re needing. I arrived stressed, exhausted and lacking clarity; I left light, centered, insightful – Wild, Wise & Free!
MasterPeace weekend was so amazing and refreshing to the soul!!! I felt like I was in such a safe and nurturing space with such genuinely kindhearted human beings! When I enrolled, I did not know what to expect. I was drawn to the colors and paintings that I saw and the little hammock near the pool. They all represented peace, joy, and flow. I wanted to experience it, and I felt connected with Steph the moment that I met her! I had no clue that I would meet friends and soul sisters who would nurture, uplift, and rejuvenate my spirit with their transparency, love, hugs, and tears.
Steph and Joy took great care of us, fed us such delicious and healthy meals, and went above and beyond to ensure this was a weekend that we could truly unplug. I had to adjust to the Quoya rituals, but I connected deeper with myself, and I love to dance, so it was a good experience. The painting was also interesting because I realized how safe I try to be at times. I swing from no structure to extreme. I never thought that painting would reflect that back to me, but it did, and Steph walked me through it and encouraged me to stop thinking about it and just flow and embrace whatever I felt through my painting. I am so grateful for this experience, as it truly opened my heart in a way that it had not been opened in a while. It expanded and I felt so full! The women that I connected with are my spirit sisters and I carry a part of them with me. We all lifted each other higher.
I must admit that I was a little concerned about spending that much time confined with 10 women, and only knowing a few of them prior to the retreat. I was delightfully surprised with the flow of the weekend, and how we quickly bonded as we shared our truths, life experiences, and dreams. It was a beautiful combination of morning ceremony, tarot card readings, tribal like dance, feasting, and then retreating to the tranquility of the backyard to create our masterpieces. We drew cards on the first day and shared what we felt the cards meant to us. I happened to draw the Queen of Hearts. I felt such an amazing vibration of love in this safe haven, and this card resonated very deeply with me. The message became so clear to me. I could focus on getting out of my head and into my heart and find pure joy in everyday living. Something that I now practice daily, and it would be pretty hard not to with my Queen of Hearts painting hanging in my living room as big as life.
Creativity, intuition, and abundance abound throughout the weekend. The expansion I experienced is indescribable. It has changed my life in so many ways and I’m grateful for giving myself the gift of playing all-in. A word of caution, such expansion can be followed by some contraction. I found myself very emotional the night following the retreat. I believe it was the clarity of the feeling of being in complete alignment with source and surrendering to my path of least resistance. I’m forever changed, and I’m now part of a tribe of beautiful, strong, wild women that continue this joyful journey together.
My first experience with MasterPeace coaching was a future self-drawing. That experience took me out of my comfort zone big-time, and opened up a pathway in my brain I didn’t know was there. I recently attended a MasterPeace retreat, and it was life-altering. Steph creates a loving, comfortable space where you can completely relax without fear of judgment. She is a master at coaxing you out of your comfort zone so that you can explore things beyond the overthinking brain. I took so many great things away from that experience; I really tapped into my true desires and feelings, and my intuition. My first crack at intuitive painting was mind-blowing. Surrounded by strong, amazing women, I went home knowing I can conquer ANYTHING!!
I had the opportunity to go to Master Peace at the last minute. I had no idea what to expect but let me tell you it changed my life. I was going through some things in my life and this weekend gave me the strength to find peace, acceptance and serenity in all things. I left feeling very peaceful and with a magical painting that I created. Every morning I wake up and I look at my master piece hanging across from my bed and I feel all the strength, self-love and calmness that I felt throughout the weekend. You don’t have to be going through anything in particular. I recommend this experience to everyone! The girl-power is very strong and the friendships you form are for life.
I was fortunate to participate in the planning as well as the event for this retreat. The women from this group are amazing and we continue to support one another in so many ways. The waves of support continue to ripple through all of us that were there.
The retreat gave me an opportunity to really explore my feelings and my truth, to focus my vision as I strive for more clarity and certainty in my life experience. I have become so much more connected to my soul and my spirit. The current meditation group has also been a beautiful gift that continues to grow as we pass this along to one another.
I have been able to move through so much of the pain of some of my recent experiences, and I am continuing to work daily on creating my new positive intention for life. Every single day there are opportunities to choose to manifest my dreams. And many days there are still challenges.

Yes, there is an agreement of 100% confidentiality in order to create a safe space for ultimate freedom, expression, vulnerability, and fierce unleashment of desires.
However, what you create, experience, share, and embody during a MasterPeace Retreat is permanently imprinted within you. You get to take it with you well beyond the retreat!
It is the gift that keeps on giving, over and over. It is conscious, unconscious and the higher self. It lends the opportunity to allow your human potential to call it forth as needed in business, family life, and any personal endeavor or purpose.
I will not give you a list of bullet point guarantees of your results; I will invite you to play all-in and know that you will absolutely receive what you put in, allow, and surrender to.
I will guarantee that I will create a kind, loving and joyful space with plenty of opportunities for you to play, create, express, move, feel, breathe, and nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
When I arrived at Master peace I was going through it. My emotions about my life were all over the place. I was faced with setbacks that I couldn’t handle or control. By nature I’m not overly emotional in front of others. I was holding so much in while still trying to show up for my family. I’d stopped showing up for myself completely. I was taught to pray and believe but never had I felt like I’d lost my faith until then.
When I showed up everyone was so welcoming and free! The environment was definitely different from any other group of women I had ever experienced. I was use to women faking nice. Steph was so adamant about me attending that she made special arrangements for me to be there.
Once we sat on the mat for the first time to do Qoya, which I’d never even heard of I felt a wave of emotion come over me like I’d only ever experienced in a church setting as a child. When Steph asked us to say one word that described how we felt I dreaded my turn. As the women opened up with their word I couldn’t hold back my tears. Everyone was carrying something they needed to release. That kind of gave me hope. By the time it was my turn I just balled in front of this group of strangers like never before.
I was able to be vulnerable without reproach.
I ended up enjoying myself so much Because I was seen as human. Not a mom, coworker, daughter, sibling, spouse or anything else, just human. That changed how I processed my emotions forever.
Seeing Steph love on her daughter has been so helpful to me with my daughters. She accepted her without adding any disapproval or criticism. She just opened her arms and let her daughter cry in them, as she’d done for the rest of us. I was so grateful to witness the exchange that I took that home with me to my family.
I also painted for the first time since I was a child. The prompt was to put all the things we felt on the canvas. By the time I finished my painting it was so beautiful that I hung it in my living room!
I thought that emotion was supposed to be bottled up and stored to deal with at a later date. But I found that it was impossible to hide the bottles after storing them for so long. The new me deals with her emotions immediately. I began believing in myself enough to invest in recording my first comedy special. I also knew how to set boundaries with those around me by treating myself as human as those beautiful ladies treated me. I went back to school this year and have since made the Deans list with a 3.8 GPA. I’ve also began working out!
I appreciate Steph for ensuring that I had a great time but also opening my eyes to a better way to deal with life’s challenges. If you get a chance to experience the Masterpeace retreat, understand that you won’t leave the same!
Tara Shakespeare
MasterPeace Retreats are not for everyone.
The human beings I attract create magic together. The people who gather become a deeply connected and bonded community.
Retreats are hosted at MasterPeace Haven, a Levine Legacy of Love, located in the Ahwatukee Foothills of Phoenix Arizona.
- Minimum 3 Full Days
- Maximum of 10-Heart Centered, Amazing Individuals
- Pool & Spa on Premises
- Cozy, Shared Sleeping Arrangements
- Light, Healthy & Delicious Meals
- Yoni Steams
- Intuitive Painting
- Qoya Dance
- Group & Individual Coaching Opportunities
When you leave a MasterPeace retreat you will feel a deep sense of connection and accomplishment.
You'll find a sense of renewed hope, focus, and goals.
Remembering who you are at the core, you'll leave with new intentions for a more fulfilling life for yourself.